I’ve been on the treadmill the last 3 days. Not because of the cold – Jeff is out of town and that’s my only option. I know I could hire a babysitter, but I haven’t hit that level of parenting maturity. I’m proud of myself for hiring a babysitter so Jeff and I could both race at the end of 2012. That was a big step for me. I haven’t gotten to the point where I’m ok to do it for a training run. The time will come, just hasn’t happened yet. So, I’ve been surviving on the ‘mill. Here’s how it went.
- Day 1: PBS kids on TV. Craft table set up. Sketchpads and markers on the floor. Currie happily played for just over 30 minutes. I got in 4.1 miles easy. Currie could’ve survived with her activities longer, but I was looking for a way out on my first treadmill day. 4.1 was enough.

Thank you Michaels for cheap little ceramic items that can keep Currie occupied for 30 minutes, sometimes longer. Also, thanks to my in-laws for lots of washable paint!
- Day 2: PBS kids on TV. I made a Twitter vow (@jenbigham) to run at least 5 miles. I set up one notebook and Currie sketched for awhile, then decided to play with her Wheelies Rampway and Garage which I thought she totally lost interest in until recently. Whatever works! I made it 6.27 miles, starting at 7mph and ended at 9mph. I counted it as a speed day.
- Day 3: PBS Kids on tv. And… when I was done running on Day 2, Salty tweeted me to listen to music. Well, there’s an obvious answer I didn’t think about!
I made it through 3 days on the treadmill! Yes! Jeff gets home tonight (hopefully) and tomorrow should be back to outside running.
Yes, that’s a 22oz. water bottle adorned with a picture of Currie! It’s made by a local company called Aquavation. I love the high quality picture (better than it looks in this iPhone photo!), slim bottle that’s easy to grip, and the leak-proof lid (since my water bottles always end up sideways at some point during the day). Some more cool features of the bottle:
- 20% of the purchase price goes to a charity you choose during the creation process. (very cool)
- Creating the bottle is quick and very easy – just 3 steps.
- BPA free. Dye free.
- Detachable wrist strap.
- Can customize picture and add text
- Production and shipping were incredibly fast. Not sure if this is always the case, or maybe since I’m a local customer, but I made this on a Tuesday around 10pm and it came in the mail on Thursday morning. Thumbs up!
My only gripe with the bottle is it’s hand-wash only. I’m lazy and don’t like hand washing dishes or laundry! Other than that, I love this bottle and have been using it daily. I heard of these bottles through a friend who is doing PR for the company. I received a complimentary bottle, and will be purchasing a few more. The bottles are $20 plus $3 shipping. I just saw on their Facebook page that you can get FREE SHIPPING using the code WinHearts now through Valentine’s day! You can buy a spectacular Aquavation bottle here.
How has your running been going this week? What’s the most boring treadmill entertainment you’ve ever used? Tell me about your favorite water bottle! I don’t run with a water bottle in my hand but I carry one around all day!
Love that water bottle! Could make a good Valentine’s gift for my mom!
Great job on the treadmill!! I don’t listen to music or anything on the treadmill, just can’t be bothered with setting it all up!
Very cute picture that currie drew! I’m lucky if I can get luke to sit for 30 seconds with a crayon, while my now five year old could write her name before she was 3! Boys:)
Enjoy your non treadmill run:)
You are lucky that you have a treadmill at home. I go to a gym, and thankfully my kids love the daycare (they think it is like going to Chuck E Cheese!!! I brainwashed them!), but it would be nice to have a treadmill at home also. One of these months I’ll break down and buy one…
I would like to know who-is-who in the picture Currie drew. I am betting you are the one on the right, with the super fast legs. =)
I would just listen to the radio during my early treadmill days. I hated it. It was so boring. Since I was so bored, I ran outside more. The runs outside would only be between 3-5 miles.
Now that I have a TV in front of my treadmill, I keep myself busy will all of the recorded shows off my DVR. Thanks to that, I can run on my treadmill for hours. Which is what I do almost everyday.
Hope you guys had a blast on your vacation!
Love your water bottle. If that doesn’t motivate you, what will?! She is such a doll!
Look at you kicking tm booty! So glad the music helped! I try to get my run in during naps. Usually at least one of my big kids is downstairs at some point, but rarely do I need to keep them entertained for more than 15 minutes so usually a simple promise of letting them walk on the tm with me for 30 secs when I’m done keeps them in line
Once I ran with no entertainment other than my cat sitting on the floor staring at me. That was a hoot!
I love love love that water bottle!!!! I need to think of a picture I would want on there though…. hmmm.
I really struggle on the treadmill also and music is the only answer for me. I don’t know how people do long runs on there, I would lose my mind. I also don’t feel like my stride is natural on it either…. not sure if that’s just me. Anyway… way to get through it!!!
Amazing job on the treadmill runs! I go through stages where I either love or hate the treadmill. Right now I’m loving it! HA. If my son comes down with me, then I end up with Thomas the Train on tv…I’ll put my headphones in with some music so that it can distract me!!!
LOVE that waterbottle! Definitely going to check it out now – thank you for the information on it (and I’m totally lazy too and hate things that can’t be put in the dishwasher!) =)
I was on the mill today and at my gym there are windows that look into the indoor pool area that has a lazy river (looking down onto the pool)… so today I distracted myself by watching this guy try to ride down the lazy river but flipping over on his tube MULTIPLE times. It was hilarious!
Haha, if only I had that kind of entertainment at home!
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