Just how winter temps quickly transitioned to summer here in Upstate NY (85 and humid here!), my body has gone through some major transformations in the blink of an eye. I can’t go anywhere without someone asking “when are you due?” I completely skipped the “are you expecting?” phase, I guess. (Which is fine, because it’s fun to talk about being pregnant.) I’m now 20 weeks, halfway through this pregnancy!
I started wearing my maternity support belt at 18 weeks. Do you wonder why I wear this? Let me tell you, the baby isn’t going anywhere when I run. My belly is a hard ball, it doesn’t shake or jiggle, and the baby is packed in nice and snug. Some women never run with the support belts. I started using them later in my pregnancy with Currie and think they are lifesavers for round ligament pain and general muscle soreness in my lower belly and back. I’ve found round ligament pain to be MUCH worse and happen MUCH earlier this time around. If I wear the support belt it’s better, but I still have some soreness in the evening.
*****If you are interested, I have 2 maternity support belts that I wore last pregnancy and am using this time around too. Check the very bottom of this post to read more.
I’m still running every day. In the first trimester I was just trying to stay awake, get the energy to run, deal with the food/poop/real baby, and not gag every second of my run. Now I’m feeling much better, have more energy (but am still pretty tired!) but I’m dealing with the round ligament pain so I’m taking it really easy and rarely doing over 4 miles.
A few “notable” things:
- I’m breathing heavily from the second I step out the door and I’m running at least a minute per mile slower than my usual “easy” pace. Pregnancy breathing is like that. I even breathe heavy when sitting in bed reading (and no, I’m not reading Fifty Shades of Grey).
- I’m peeing all the time when running. A 4 mile run sometimes requires 3 squats.
- I’m not having as many “food baby” or “poop baby” problems. See image and text in this post.
- This baby is much more active than Currie was in my belly. I don’t feel fetal movement when running, but pretty much any time I sit down, I feel kicks, flips and turns.
- Enjoy the easy running time. My wish for all pregnant athletes is that they still enjoy their sport, but appreciate the time off. I know I’ll be ROCKING workouts someday very soon! I’m thoroughly enjoying these easy runs. (On the other hand, I definitely have days where my legs are twitching, just begging for some speed. My lungs are also yearning for some prolonged burning. All in time!)
- Wear clothing that fits! This is always true for running comfort, but especially during pregnancy when you are already uncomfortable. I tried to run in my pre-pregnancy Roga shorts the other day. Here’s what happened – I got incredibly HORRIBLE CHAFING from shorts that have never once bothered me. Big bloody scabs. Not fun! I also got 12 pictures of me with MAJOR CAMEL TOE! Yes, Jeff took 12 pictures before telling me, “um, you kind of have camel toe in all these pictures.” HA! I would share the pictures because they are THAT FUNNY but it would be too embarrassing for everyone. Seriously.
- Along that same line… pre-pregnancy swimsuits aren’t appropriate during pregnancy after you’ve gained more than 10 pounds. You might think you are still tiny, but swimsuits will show you otherwise. I brought a one piece and a bikini to our hotel a few weekends ago and let me tell you, both suits were ridiculous. Little “extras” hanging out everywhere. I need new swimsuits pronto!
- If you try to take pictures of yourself on the treadmill while you are RUNNING, they will end up blurry.

Pretty good hotel gym, so I thought I’d take a picture. This one is crystal clear compared to the other 2!
Overall, the first 20 weeks have been great! I recommend trying to stay active as long as possible. Even with little aches/pains/annoyances this time around, I feel like I’m much more comfortable and happy running (and walking) while pregnant as opposed to doing nothing.
I have an ultrasound this week to find out the baby’s sex! Any guesses?!
Did you wear a maternity support belt?
Have a good camel toe pic?
*****Maternity support belt info below!
I honestly got this because Runners World recommended it and it was reasonably priced. I was a size 4 or 27 in jeans at the time and ordered a small. I wished I had a medium. I started this pregnancy a size 0 or 25 in jeans and it fits great.
Based on an online search, I also got this one:
I ordered a small for this one too and it wasn’t supportive enough until my last few months of my first pregnancy.
I never wore a belt. I would get round ligament pain starting out for many runs, but it would almost always go away within a minute or two if I ignored it.
You look great! I’m guessing a sister for Currie
Thanks Salty!
Ok, you are exactly opposite of me with the round ligament pain. I feel great when I start running and all throughout the run, but within a few hours, it gets bad and is bad all night. I assume it’s because of running since it’s much worse the longer/faster (“faster” used lightly here) I run (and of course the doctor thought that). But then I wake up the next morning feeling good, my run is good, but I’m thinking about the round ligament wrath that will come later. So I did a little experiment where I wore the band one day, and it felt so much better, then didn’t wear the band the next day, did the same run and it was bad again. So now I’m obsessed with the band!
AWE you look great. I know I’d be the same way that just moving around and running would make me feel a lot better as opposed to sitting around.
I’ve actually never heard of the belts before. They seem like little miracle working gems.
Funny story, I tried to take a photo of myself running on a treadmill once and god knows I fell off. I didn’t have a classic slip and roll back but I kinda just stumbled off. I was all by myself at the gym so no damage done..that time.
Do you know exactly when you are moving to Pittsburgh?
Oh I am SO LUCKY I didn’t fall off! That is right up my alley!
As of right now we have to be out of this house by July 1st, then spending July traveling around since we will be homeless.
A few weeks in Seattle as you know, so that will be fun! Hopefully we will have a house sometime in August! If not, we will live in a hotel or rent in Pittsburgh. The future is so uncertain!
Your baby belly seriously makes me happy. We need to plan a run soon, good news is, your pregnant and I’m recovering so we might be able to find a comfortable easy pace (I still think you’ll have to slow down for me). Also, I am down for swimsuit shopping, I seriously need a new one.
I really really hope that if I ever get preggo I can stay as active as you are…inspiring!
Laura, I will run anytime! Just say the word!
I have no doubt you will be a fit mama someday! Yes, I’m in desperate need of a swimsuit! If I don’t get one tomorrow when I’m at the mall, you will have to join me!
You look fantastic! I’m guessing BOY for baby #2. Can’t wait to find out!
That is actually my guess too, but I’d love another little lady or a little man!
You look amazing!
I came across your blog today while doing research for my website maternitygallery.com. I was wondering if you might be willing to share some of your pregnancy photos with my project.
The site lets you check out how different moms-to-be carried their pregnancy at different stages of pregnancy. We would be happy to link to your blog from each of the photos if you like.
If you want to see the redesign in its current state you can see it here:
We are still cleaning up little details like how the thumbnails layout, so if you encounter any issues, let me know!
Hi Jennifer, can you email me at jen@thelocalelite.com and we can talk about the photos?
You are so adorable! Sorry for the semi-creeper comment, haha. I also give you major kudos for taking a picture on the treadmill while running, I guarantee I would fall on my face if I tried to do that.
Awww, thanks Heather! Well, I’m shocked I didn’t fall. That was probably my luckiest run ever. My husband likes to say “watch out there’s a flat part coming up” when we run together outside because I manage to trip over nothing all the time. The fact that I took multiple treadmill pictures without falling is pretty amazing. 😉
Congrats on the pregnancy and the move! You look fabulous
Thanks, Ro!
You look adorable! I just found out this week that I’m pregnant, so I’m extra excited to read this post. I’ll definitely be checking out those support belts in a few months!
Awesome! Congrats Dana!!!!
Look at you! Def showing a tad, but you still look super athletic and awesome!
It doesn’t please me to hear someone else having some of the same annoying side effects I have….but I must admit, it was kind of relieving to hear someone else getting inner thigh chafing from shorts. I thought it was just me and that my thighs were completely blowing up. =) I have resigned to mostly wearing capris to avoid this (and sometimes 2 sports bras).
Congrats on being halfway there.
Thanks so much Crystal!
Yes, my thighs are expanding! I am going to go ahead and say (for our peace of mind) that it happens to every woman! I feel like that’s why my jeans and running stuff stopped fitting pretty early on… Like you said, glad (and not so glad) to share this side effect with you.
Hi Jen,
I just stumbled across your article and thought it was great. We have an online store in Australia and sell the Gabrialla range of support belts. We have had a lot of mums lately purchasing this brand for running (now I understand why), and we have had some great feedback about it. I wasn’t a runner, but still found wearing a support belt throughout my last two pregnancies very beneficial. The little extra lift to the bump makes a big difference to reducing lower back strain and fatigue. Anyway, I just thought I would let you know that if you have any Aussie readers who wish to know where they can purchase the Gabrialla range locally, they can do so here: http://www.duesoon.com.au/maternity-support-belt/ Happy running!
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