I’ve made a list of races I want to run in 2014. I’m so pumped to start racing again! Right now, there are far too many on the list and I’m going to have to make some cuts – lots of cuts! For now, I can tell you I decided on my first race post-Wells: Columbus Turkey Trot (a 5-Mile race)!

Pic from last year at the Columbus Turkey Trot. I was first female, 20th overall in 28:19 (5:40 pace). Construction background! I’m not the best at setting the scene for my pictures.
I’m terrified to run it – which is exactly why I’m doing it. It’s going to be 5 miles of STRUGGLE BUS. I will probably get at least four different 5+ mile training runs done before the big day, and will probably have a few 25-35 mile weeks under my belt by then. Wells will be 2 months+1 day old on the day of the race. I probably won’t be racing in buns. Or maybe I will… details, details…
I decided to race because:
- I miss racing
- It will be a good starting point and introduction into racing again
- I’m looking for a good burn and that will definitely happen
- I’m scared to death to race already (having no idea what kind of shape I’m in, knowing the pain of first race in awhile, knowing I’ll be a lot slower than last time I raced, this list could go on and on…)
- I should run into a lot of people I know – motivation!
- I took a twitter poll and every single person said some variation of “YES DO THE TROT!”

That makes me so happy! I’m glad you signed up and you will have a great race. I think as runners (I know I do) going through several weeks and months of not racing puts you in a different running mood if that makes sense. I’m excited for you and I know you will have a great training cycle ahead. I can’t wait to see what other races you have planned.
I throw myself directly into racing again when I can. I know it won’t be a PR but I just love atmosphere (like you!)
The struggle bus is a GOOD thing! Everyone has to start somewhere and I’ve already been impressed with how much you’ve been working out since Wells was born. You are going to have a great race and this is just the beginning to set you up for a strong and speedy 2014.
Thanks Kris!! Yes, I need to learn to feel that pain again so I’m looking forward to that struggle bus (and scared out of my mind!)
You forgot to mention the most important thing: racing is fun! Sounds good to me for all the reasons you listed! And it probably won’t be as much of a struggle bus as you anticipate!
And I always throw myself back into racing – it’s the only true gauge for progress.
Exactly, Jill! How did I forget the fun part! You are so right!
Yay! Your pace last year was incredible! I did a half around 9 weeks post Marshall & man it was tough! I ran a much more comfortable pace than you are probably planning to run for your turkey trot though- more just did it to do it, not necessarily race it. The first post baby race is super exciting, terrifying and so amazing. You feel FREE!!! We are doing a drumstick dash here- will be my first post surgery race & I’m just gonna have fun & push the stroller! I’m excited to see how you do and can’t wait to see your speediness return!!
Wow! A half at 9 weeks when you didn’t start running until 6 weeks! Amazing! Even at an easy pace, that would be really tough! Glad to hear you will be racing again soon too! #comeback!
Hooray! This makes me so incredibly happy! Good luck and have fun, cause that’s really what matters and makes you tick! Love! xo
You know it! Thanks V!!
I vote for buns!!!!!!!!! You are too cute and lean not to wear them! Make all the running mamas proud. =)
Haha, awww thanks Crystal!
OMG so excited for you!!! I also cant wait to see what you have planned in 2014!! Hopefully some that we can meet up for!!
I am usually the girl jumping back into racing- because that feels like home to me, it helps me mentally get back to where I need to be more than anything
At least one race on my schedule is in Rochester!! We WILL race together in 2014!
FINALLY we’ll have a leveled Frye-Ordway showdown. Post-pregnant Jen = in 100% health Frye! I’ll try not to think about the embarrassment I’ll feel when you still CRUSH me after describing how rough the race will be for you.
I’m excited to see you!
Haha! I was hoping you were going to run! Yay! Can’t wait to see you!
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I’m totally running a Turkey Trot. It’s a 5k though, I always choose the 5k over the 10k option if I can. I like racing my way back into shape, plus it’s nice not to have any pressure and be happy with your effort. Can’t wait to find out what else is on your race schedule!
I wish there was a 5k option! I really think 5 miles will be hard (because I’ll start too fast!)