I’m excited to say I’ve been accepted into the Elite Field of the UPMC Health Plan Pittsburgh Half Marathon this year AND I’m an Official Blogger for the Pittsburgh Marathon! This will be my second year running the half marathon here in Pittsburgh and I’m pumped to see how fast my legs can carry me through my wonderful city! Last year I was 7 months postpartum when I raced the half and came in 5th place. This year I hope to be a few minutes faster and compete for a top spot once again.
Pittsburgh is a stunning city and I love running over the bridges (5 bridges in the half, 3 rivers!), taking in the sights, and hearing the cheers/music/cowbells around the course. I’m fortunate to also have friends who will show up and add to the cheers in each neighborhood. And I’m very lucky to make this race a family affair! My daughter ran the Toyota of Pittsburgh Kids Marathon (1 mile) last year. She asks about the race multiple times every month and can’t wait to run again this year. You can read her post about it here. Easily the best post ever featured on this blog! My husband ran the half last year and will run it again this year. My older brother ran the full last year. I might even talk a sibling or two into racing this year!
As I mentioned in my last post, this will be my final big race of the spring – the icing on the cake! My full marathon is now just 3 weeks away so my training is well underway. I will take a week off running after my full, then start gearing up for what I hope to be another half marathon PR!
I will do follow up posts talking about things like my preparation/hydration/fueling/nutrition in general or anything else that pops into my head. And please feel free to ask me any questions you might have!
Thanks for following along!
I’m really excited and happy for you Jen. More, I’m excited to see you in a few weeks and cheer for you at the full! I know you will do great things at all of your Spring races (I mean you already rocked Winter with a solid PR!)
Have fun this weekend (tomorrow!) Hollie! Thinking of you!!
I am running the Pittsburgh Half as well! It will be my FIRST half marathon and I am excited for this next step in my running journey!
Yes!!! That is so exciting!!
Very exciting!!
Congrats! I can’t wait to see how it goes!!
Woohoo!! Well done
My question is how to get those abs!?
Look forward to reading about all your speediness!
Haha, thank you! I’ll say I get my abs partly from running, partly from a variety of planks, and some from pushing the double stroller!
My question is: how on Earth do you fit in your training with two kids? Can you give an example of a day in the life or a week? (I am serious.) I think it’s impressive that you’re able to run that type of mileage with two kids to take care of (and I know your hubs travels a lot, too). Last summer I had a hard time fitting in 45-50 miles per week with only one kid, and I’m worried I won’t be able to run for awhile after baby #2 is born!
Thanks Mollie! You will be fine! I’ll probably do a post on this because a lot of people ask and of course we will talk in person in a few weeks!
I can tell you it takes planning and flexibility and getting the whole family on board!
Congratulations!! I’m so excited to follow your training for the half and hope that you kick everyone’s butts! You’re such an inspiration and I’ll be cheering you on
Thanks Gretchen!
You’re gonna kill it Jen! I’ll be rooting for you from NC
Thanks Claudin! And maybe your little one will arrive that day?!
I’m so excited to see how all your training has been paying off!
And I think I’m going to have to put Pittsburgh on my list next year for races! I always (with exception to Lake Effect) stick to races I can get to in under half hour, perks if I can warm-up with a run to the start from my apartment (Buffalo Half/Full). I think it’s time to venture just slightly out of my hometown and test some new waters. Looking forward to reading more about PHM!
Hey Jen! It’s been so nice to read new posts about your running; I thoroughly enjoy all the anecdotes and details. You’re such an inspiration! I hope your training goes well the next few weeks and that you SMASH your goals. Looking forward to reading more!
Yay! Congrats!!
You zipped past me at the Spring Thaw on Saturday (thanks for saying Hi back, btw!) and were looking really strong! Can’t wait to see how you do in Pgh!
Excited to be running and blogging with you!