2015 has been quite the year for me in both my “real life” and running life. I started off the year with a half marathon PR 1:15:(59!) in January on un-tapered legs in the middle of my marathon training cycle. I traveled a lot and finally learned to keep up with my intense workouts and training on vacation (even in Disney World, the Most Exhausting “Happiest Place on Earth”) and while we traveled through European countries for 24 days. My training came to a new level where I had 100% confidence in making the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials. Workouts have gone better than ever, my training plans have been more enjoyable than any in the past, and it’s been fun to have a laser focus on my goals and stay motivated.
Even with some setbacks – an Achilles injury that squashed my plans of racing the Garry Bjorkland half marathon in June when my training was going so well and a marathon DNF in late March – I couldn’t stay down for long. I fixed the problems, jumped back on the horse and got back to work. It’s been a big year of growth for me that left me very excited about my next 10+ years of improving and hitting PR times.
This was also the first summer I hit my mileage and workout goals all summer through the heat and humidity. Not every workout was perfect, but all the workouts got done and left me feeling stronger. While I haven’t been using social media as frequently and have definitely been slacking on this blog, I was doing some major work behind the scenes and I want to thank everyone who has helped make that possible! I’ve felt a shield of invincibility around me, while still eating my humble pie daily.
So this naturally begs the question – what’s next?! Now… I’ve already had a friend jokingly accuse me of burying the lede but there is always a huge backstory and I definitely just gave you a short version of it! But, the thing that is next for me is: having baby #3! Whoa, right?! Whoa, whoa, whoa! The most exciting, strangest news you probably never expected, is true! Early this coming spring, I’ll be snuggling up with my third little sweetie. I’m 13 weeks pregnant now, and my husband, kids and I are very excited to share the news!
So, my racing days are over for the next few seasons, but I’ll be going out in a special way, running The Great Race 10k here in Pittsburgh tomorrow! It is my son’s 2nd birthday so the post-race celebration at my house will include party hats, cake & ice cream! In the past, I haven’t raced while pregnant (not that I think there’s anything wrong with it – I just have no desire to be competitive during pregnancy). The Great Race holds a special place in my heart as it was the first race I knew about in Pittsburgh (aside from the Pittsburgh Marathon and half marathon), it starts less than 3/4 mile from my house, and my water broke while running across the Great Race start line (2 days prior to race day) two years ago (you can’t make this stuff up).
So while I’ve been feeling extra exhausted and nauseous lately (that should be over any day now, right, right?!), I’m excited to run this special race and share the course with so many awesome people. The Pittsburgh running community is the best. We are lucky to live here!
Thanks for following along and I look forward to cheering for all of you while you go after your big running goals this fall, winter, and spring!
I totally knew it! I had this feeling… haha! Congrats Jen!! xo
WHAT! No way! That’s so exciting, congratulations!!!
I’ve been missing you on Strava but so proud of all the hard work you’ve put in and how stinking exciting!! Ahhh, please share your pregnancy journey, I would love the inspiration!!
OMG congrats and I could not be happier for you. I know this is going to be another incredible journey for your family.
Congrats!!! That is such exciting news!! I hope this pregnancy goes well for you and you are able to run and enjoy it!
This is such exciting news! Congrats!!! I think about you often while I’m out running with an extra person on board knowing how active you stayed and how strong you came back. What an exciting year ahead for you!
OMG OMG OMG! CONGRATS!! Is it weird if I’m sooo excited?! Wells and Patsy are so close in age and now our next babies will be too! Again, I wish we lived closer to one another so we could talk about this so much more! Excited to follow along in your journey… again…
I am so excited for you and your family! Congrats on another little one on the way, and love following along with everything! While I miss you being here in Rochester I’m so glad you found a city you love, hope to see you soon though! Big hugs and congrats again!
AHH! Congratulations… on everything! The great year, the hard work, awesome results AND THE BABY! Didn’t see that one coming, but I’m so happy and excited for you. It also makes me feel better that you are accomplishing so many amazing things and still thinking about the future while having kids. I’ve had to stop running (28 wks preggers tomorrow) and it makes me sad and worried about me getting faster after, but you give me the inspiration to not worry and just enjoy growing my baby… there’s plenty of time to get fast
Keep the updates coming!
Congrats!! So exciting, wishing you the best of luck.