I ran the bagel race and was first female for the 3rd year in a row! Woohoo!
It was a wonderful morning for a race, slightly humid at the start, but right around 60 degrees and sunny. Jeff and I dropped a hesitant Currie off at the free sitter service and were on our way to do a warmup. My plan was to get a long warmup in as this was my long run day. Unfortunately, we were running late to the race, like always, and I only had time for about 2.5 miles before the gun went off.
I have to be honest. I felt horrible out there. I love the course, which goes straight out for a mile, does a big loop (with a few curves) through some residential streets, then comes right back on the same mile stretch to finish in front of the local JCC. But, I just felt slow… like I’m lacking 5k speedwork. Could it be because I AM lacking 5k speedwork? Absolutely!
I came through the first mile at 5:26, the next mile was much slower at 5:48 as the pack spread out and I was off in no-man’s-land. Then my last mile was right around 5:50 with the last 0.1 in 30-some-seconds. I finished at 17:37. I don’t like having 20 seconds difference between my first and second miles, but I’m a bit out of shape and that’s what happens so it was to be expected. I’m content with my time given my week, my current fitness, and the lack of competition.
After the race, Currie wanted to take a picture of Jeff and me.

Jeff came in 2nd overall, I was 5th overall, 1st female. Good day! And good picture for a 2-year-old!
I had a great time talking with all sorts of people after the race. There were lots of familiar faces and I love that about local racing… you feel like you know everyone!
Strange things:
- guy at the starting line who, when the race starter said “30 seconds til the gun” says, “30 seconds? That’s enough time for you to have sex.” WHAT?!
- This picture:
- We have lots of hard working, talented running ladies in Rochester, and none of the other female local elites showed up. There’s money 3 deep, plus bagels on the line so I expected a better turnout from fasties.
- Nice out and back course
- Post race food, bagels in every flavor and cream cheese!
- Every participant got a coupon for 3 free bagels
- Good prizes – money 3 deep for overall, masters money, nice medals 3 deep in each age group.
- Atmosphere – everyone was so nice and friendly and I loved talking to people before and after the race!
- Kids handing out water at the end and prizes. I love when the kids get involved. Fun for us and great for them!
- Personal great thing – Jeff was second overall and won $50, so it was a good family payday!
After the race, I ran home to add some more miles since it was long run day. I felt so strong on the run home. Much better than I felt on the warmup, race, and cooldown so that was a pleasant surprise. During the run I kept thinking about how ridiculous I looked. First, I forgot to change into my cute Oiselle tank, so I was jogging home in my race singlet with the race number still pinned on. At least I remembered sunglasses, but they weren’t my athletic sunglasses, they were my normal everyday pair. Also, I realized I forgot to call my parents to tell them the race results and knew I would be too busy when I got home so being an avid multi-tasker, I called them while running. I know, talking on cell while exercising is one of my pet peeves too. I can’t believe I did it! (Still clocked a 7:41 mile while talking.) Here’s what I looked like:
So there you have it! Another year of free bagels. If you come visit me and have you drive or fly more than 2 hours, I will gladly share some of my bounty.
So who’s going to come visit? How did your weekend racing go?