If you’ve been following this blog since the beginning (you know, “way back when” in May 2012) you may remember I love inspirational quotes. When I was working in Seattle, I filled my cubicle with hundreds of quotes and read many of them daily. I like little snippets of inspiration, even if they are old, tired and pointless to most people. I almost* always find something that changes my life for the better when I read them.

*except the quote I found on this Dove wrapper. This one was just plain stupid… And yes, I love chocolate and eat it daily. Still, not impressed.
Oddly enough, I don’t relate quotes to my running very often. I use them more to help me through little rough patches that the rest of life throws at me. However, today I was thinking about the quote on my Oiselle Athlete Page. It’s one of my favorite quotes about both training and life:
“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” -Robert Collier
And this is the direction I’m going with my training. I’m not changing anything big. There is nothing very new or novel in my training. I’m just going to focus on the small efforts that I can make, because when they add up, I think they can add up to something special.
What do YOU think? Yay or nay on quotes? If you like them, share some good ones with me!